Student Details

Please select a passport size image of child (.png or .jpeg format)

Child Details


Family Details

Sponsoring Parent Information
Spouse Information

Pick-Up Contacts

Required Identity Documents

Child's Documents

ID (Front)
ID (Back)

Sponsor's Documents

ID (Front)
ID (Back)

Spouse's Documents

ID (Front)
ID (Back)

Individual Profile & Care Plan

About Your Child

Position in family
Has your child previously or is currently attending other settings?
Please name setting and number of hours/sessions attending
What is your child's first language?
Additional languages spoken at home
Additional requirements about religious observation, food, clothing?

Dietary Requirements

If your child eats solids, please describe the types of food given
At what time does your child sleep?
For how long does your child sleep?
- +
Does your child have any special comforters?

Personal Development

Daily hygiene and habits (please select one option from each)
Is your child able to drink from an open cup?
Is your child able to use a spoon, knife & fork?

Emotional Development

Does your child relate well to other children?
Does your child relate well to familiar adults?
Is your child able to share and take turns?

Enjoyment and Curiosity

How would you best describe your child?
What are your child's favourite toys?
What activities does your child most enjoy doing?
Is there anything that may cause undue distress to your child?
Is there additional information regarding your child/individual care plan which you would like to share with the setting?

Visual Media Consent Form

I give consent for my child’s photos to be used by Great Minds ECC in the following places:

Clinic Information Pack

Health Declaration Form

Does your child suffer from any chronic illness?
Has your child experience any fever or respiratory symptoms, including but not limited to "coughing, sneezing, loss of sense of smell or taste, trouble breathing, headache, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, vomiting or diarrhea" in the past 3 days?
Has anyone in your household traveled abroad in the past 21 days?

Food & Other Allergy

Known Allergies
Dietary Intolerance
Special Requirements

Other Allergy

Does your child have any allergies to medicines or non-food products (dust, insect stings/bites, pollen, plasters, latex etc)?
Do any of your child’s allergies lead to anaphylactic shock? (please specify)
Food Tasting

I give permission for my child to participate in food tasting during our weekly cooking and sensory class.

Child Illness

Child Conditions

Emergency Contact (Other Than Parent)


Medical Emergency

Was the delivery full term?
Special Disabilities: (e.g. physical or learning etc.)

Consent for the administration of medication

In the event that your child develops fever, has pain or any allergies or allergic reaction and the center is unable to contact you, allow the center to administer Paracetamol, Fenistil or Arnicare if required.

In the event of center being unable to contact me, I consent to give my child required medication if it be considering necessary by the center’s nurse.

Consent for medical examination

It is a requirement of the Department of Health and Medical Service that all the children have a medical/health examination. All new admission when they join Great Minds ECC and also at the end of academic year, our nurse carries out medical examinations at the center. The examination includes the measurement of height and weight, examination of the ear, throat, heart and lungs, abdomen. Screening for hearing and vision will be done as well as oral health screening.

If you do not consent to the medical examination being carried out in the center, you must get it conducted privately by your doctor and submit a medical report for your child’s file. I consent to my child being examined at center.

Consent for the emergency treatment and transfer to hospital

To administer first aid and emergency medicine treatment and arrange transfer to hospital in the event of an accident or emergency. [Emergency medications are lifesaving medicines like Adrenaline, Hydrocortisone, Chloropheramine, Glucagon etc. (to be administered by a doctor)

I consent. for my child to be taken to the Hospital in the event of an accident/emergency and administer above medications if required.

Timing Requirements

Please select your chosen days and timings from the options below. When available, you can also add additional days, or change timings, subject to availability. Such changes can only be done by the Administration.
Type of Days Attending Nursery:

Terms & Conditions


I confirm that I have completed this application with the most accurate information, I have read the policies and agree to all the terms and conditions associated with this application and enrolment to Great Minds
Please provide your signature below to aknowledge you have read the terms.
Today's Date: